
Enhance Your Lawn Experience by Simple Ways

Every one of us loves the lush green lawns and wants to increase the beauty factor of our garden. It does not matter if your yard is smaller or larger. You know it becomes harder at times to take care of the entire lawn. Any layout of the garden is also dependant on its position. If you are thinking of a mesmerizing lawn set up, then make sure the yard is getting sufficient sunlight. Again, water source in front or attached by your yard’s side like a pool or tap is very beneficial.Enhance Your Lawn Experience by Simple Ways

What Are Things That You Should Consider Before the Garden Set Up?

The first and foremost thing, which you have to do before gardening, is to choose the best position or location of it. Both size and shape selection is essential.


Classification and maintaining the soil ph level is a must for all garden lovers. For this, you can collect the sample of the soil and send it to the nearby testers. This can give you an idea about the acidic level of the soil. Usually, a preferable ph balance of the earth should be around 6.5 to 7 for faster grass growth. You should level the land with the spades and weeds. You can also use a roller for this purpose. Always remember the health of the soil can improve the quality of the grasses.


Go for the nutgrass that can be grown and removed fast within 2-4 times. Less amount of weed is responsible for a healthy lawn. Garden lovers should check the fertilizer quantity before adding them to the soil. In this context, it is also an essential factor to understand the exact type of soil where you are going to put the weed.


Spreading water on grasses is the best way to improve their growth. However, spreading it correctly is equally important. For shady areas, put less water and fertilizers. This is because it tends rapid evaporation. Whereas in the non-shady areas, you can use a spreader for the same task.

Process of Gardening

The following methods are useful systematically for lawn making that you can follow;


It is a conventional method, which is very beneficial for dark green grasses. Many times, you can find that grassroots are not forming. In those cases, seeding is used. Of course, you can minimize the tilth and involve a light rolling over the soil. Remember, you will need approximately 25-35kg of seed for one-hectare planting. For perfect germination purposes, a seed takes around five weeks. Again, you should not over flood the soil with excess water. Electric lawn mowers are very useful for spreading and maintaining the soil. If you have small-sized yards, then look for a lawnmower for a small yard.


There are small earth pieces, which hold the grass size. Gardeners should cut these turfs regularly. Make sure to put fine soil in between the turfing area.  Put more amount of water in the turf zone as well. You can also cut the grasses after some time and use the electric lawn mowers for rolling purposes again.


You can undoubtedly mix the finely chopped grasses with the soil available in the garden. After mixing, put some cow dung for better nourishment of the soil texture. The uniform spreading of this soil on the ground should be followed. The next day you should roll the grass and spread accordingly. Within 14 days, grasses start to rise incredibly. For the medium yards, the rolling becomes so comfortable with the lawn mowers for small yards that are available online and in local markets.

Gardening is not at all a rocket science. Time and patience can fetch you the best lawn you desire. We always suggest our reads to research more about low-cost lawn maintenance ideas, which can enhance the garden beauty.